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Authors at Light of Christ
From Alpha to Omega: An Overview of the Bible
Stanley D. Rasberry
From Alpha to Omega is a short handbook that guides the reader through the Bible from beginning to end, tracing God's interaction with mankind. It aids understanding of this foundational document of faith. A section covers sacred writings about the era between old and new testaments. At the conclusion, the early years of the church are also described. The book includes discussion points for use by reading and study groups.
Stan Rasberry has again tackled the difficult task of bringing the Bible to new readers without overwhelming them. The Bible is a guidebook for all – from alpha to omega — but many people have found it to be filled with mysteries and difficult to read. The new reader is daunted by its length, span of history, and diversity of unfamiliar characters. Even the reader with years of experience reading the Bible lack a comprehensive understanding. Alpha to Omega is a short handbook that can help with both problems. This book gives the reader the ability to see the Bible with fresh eyes.
Stan Rasberry is a scientist who served in the labs of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, where he retired as Director of Measurement Services. He received bronze and silver medals from the U.S. Department of Commerce and became a professor and fellow at the Academy of Metrology in 1997. He was active in Youth for Christ and has been a Bible teacher for many years. When he is not writing books, Stan enjoys his favorite hobby as a private pilot. Stan and his wife, Judy, live in Lottsburg, Virginia, and are members of Light of Christ Anglican Church.
Once Around
Fulfilling a Lifelong Dream to Sail Around the World
Ward & Judy LeHardy
Once Around chronicles the fulfillment of the authors’ life-long dream to sail around the world—the dangers, adventures, challenges, lessons learned, the many fascinating people they met, and the places they traveled during five years on board their 39-foot cutter, Cormorant. This book provides inspiration for anyone who loves sailing, travel, and adventure, especially for those considering a long-distance sailing journey.
What marvelous tales you must have to tell about your five-year adventure aboard Cormorant. Just thinking about it makes me a little green with envy. We’re delighted that you lived a dream and made it home safely. Barbara and I join your family and friends in welcoming you back to America’s shores, and we salute you for your marvelous spirit. Warm regards,
- George H. W. Bush, President of the United States
Ward and Judy LeHardy had a dream and the resources and temerity to set off on a rare and perilous journey. They were about 70% ready. Ward said they never would have gone if they had waited until they were 100% ready. Once Around tells of the adventure of two people who trusted God and experienced firsthand the remarkable beauty of His creation.
- The Rev. Jeffrey O. Cerar Light of Christ Anglican Church -
Judy and Ward LeHardy were both raised in Navy families, but spent thirty-two years of their married life with the U.S. Army, until Ward retired as a brigadier general. They then spent two years finding Cormorant, learning how to sail her, and preparing the boat, their families, and themselves for a sail around the world. They have four children and twelve grandchildren, and live near the Chesapeake Bay in Kilmarnock, Virginia, and are members of Light of Christ Anglican Church. They can be contacted at wardjudy1956@gmail.com.
A Christian Stroll Through the Hebrew Bible
John F. Wall, Jr.
In his book, A Christian Stroll Through the Hebrew Bible, John Wall walks the reader through the major stories and lessons of God’s wonderful message. The story is one of God selecting Abraham to found a nation to be his own possession, but his chosen people prove to be stiff-necked and unfaithful. Nevertheless, the Lord demonstrates his love, compassion, patience, and forgiveness time after time over the ages. The Hebrew Bible progressively reveals the nature of God and his love for all humanity.
While many believers march under the banner of 'I read the back of the book and we win,’ it is a blessing to read a work that proclaims that victory is provided through the front of the book also.
- Rabbi Eric Tokajer, Brit Ahm Messianic SynagogueAs a companion book to my Bible study, I would refer to it to clarify and interpret some of the Bible phraseology which I either did not understand or comprehend. Gen. Wall’s approach not only simplifies this Living Word (for the simple-minded!) but brings a fresh, well organized (military background apparent) and enjoyable read.
- Linda Tillery -
John Furman Wall, Jr. was born in 1931 in Boise, Idaho on his mother’s fortieth birthday; he grew up in Camden, SC, followed his father to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point (1956), and started his own Army career of over thirty-two years, retiring as the first three-star commanding general of the U. S. Army Strategic Defense Command. Five years later, when over the age of sixty, he reluctantly answered a call from God to enter the Virginia Theological Seminary, and for the next fifteen years served as an Episcopal priest in a number of churches. Father John is married to his bride of fifty-seven years, Suzanne McHenry Jones. They have three sons, all of whom are active in Christian ministries. He holds several advanced degrees and numerous military decorations from the U.S. and foreign governments.
Reason & Belief: A Scientist Looks at Mark’s Gospel
Stanley D. Rasberry
The book presents the Gospel of Mark in the World English Bible (WEB) translation. The text is based on the American Standard Version with critical comparison to the Greek Majority Text and to scripture fragments that archeologists recently have found. The translators took great care to ensure the accuracy and dependability of the text at the occasional expense of smooth readability. I am pleased with the translation’s accuracy and think little is sacrificed in readability.
In fact, the author of the Gospel, John Mark, wrote with little regard to smoothness. His brusque style is to hit hard with the facts and nothing but the facts. I have tried to follow the same spare pattern in my commentary, with occasional elaborations for readers unfamiliar with Mark’s context and era.
In some cases, I explain the meaning of John Mark’s text by drawing on other scriptures, contemporary texts, and cultural setting. However, I have attempted to minimize speculation. If we can only guess at motives or outcomes, I have tried to indicate that in an appropriate way.
I hope you enjoy reading one of the greatest masterpieces of all time — the Gospel of Mark.
As I began to scribble out the thoughts for Reason and Belief on the back of an envelope, I knew it could not be written in a conventional way. The book is aimed at helping readers come to grips with the fundamental questions of life, based on the Gospel of Mark from the Bible: Who is God? What is life? What is truth? Is eternal life possible? The Gospel of Mark addresses these questions, provides reason for belief, and assumes that most rational people will, in fact, believe that Jesus of Nazareth was God Incarnate.
The tension between reason and belief has never been greater in our world. Especially at universities, professors and students often see the two concepts as opposed to one another. I hope to convince the reader that this need not be the case and that reason can indeed be used to support belief. Perhaps the book’s unconventional format will help the reader reach this conclusion.
Stan Rasberry is a scientist who served in the labs of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, where he retired as Director of Measurement Services. He received bronze and silver medals from the U.S. Department of Commerce and became a professor and fellow at the Academy of Metrology in 1997. He was active in Youth for Christ and has been a Bible teacher for many years. When he is not writing books, Stan enjoys his favorite hobby as a private pilot. Stan and his wife, Judy, live in Lottsburg, Virginia, and are members of Light of Christ Anglican Church.